
Chowdhury Joins Newcastle United’s Advisory Group


Chowdhury Joins Newcastle United’s Advisory Group

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Newcastle United FC (NUFC), a well-known team in the English Premier League, has recently made an important decision. Dr. Mehzeb Chowdhury will be joining Newcastle United’s advisory group as a member of the Independent Advisory Group (IAG).

This appointment serves as a significant milestone for Chowdhury, a Bangladeshi professional working in the United Kingdom, especially within the football industry, which has traditionally lacked diversity.

Currently serving as an Assistant Professor at Northumbria University, Dr. Chowdhury has displayed unwavering commitment throughout his career to promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion. His extensive experience as an author, inventor, journalist, filmmaker, and researcher uniquely positions him to contribute his valuable perspective and knowledge to the IAG, including assisting the club with its football priorities.

Over the course of the next three football seasons, Chowdhury will work closely with Newcastle United, collaborating with the club’s staff, management, and fans on several significant projects. These projects encompass various areas such as enhancing match day experiences, improving stadium accessibility and safety, fostering fan engagement, conducting community outreach, and implementing a wide range of equality, diversity, and inclusivity initiatives.

Earlier this year, Chowdhury was appointed as an Inclusion Advisory Board (IAB) Member at Northumberland Football Association, England’s premier grassroots football development and governance organization. His involvement in both the Northumberland Football Association and Newcastle United enables him to offer an essential perspective, shaping strategies and initiatives that promote best practices and governance at both professional and grassroots levels.


Chowdhury’s expertise lies in identifying key issues and trends related to affirmative interventions, thereby contributing to cultivating a culture of change. His past work experiences include positions at, ESPN Bleacher Report, and Vital Football, where he gained valuable insights and honed his skills within the football industry.

The inclusion of Dr. Mehzeb Chowdhury in Newcastle United’s Independent Advisory Group highlights the club’s commitment to embracing diversity and fostering a more inclusive environment within the organization and the sport as a whole. By appointing a professional of Chowdhury’s caliber, NUFC demonstrates its dedication to addressing the historical lack of diversity within football.

This appointment serves as a crucial step towards creating a more inclusive football community where individuals from diverse backgrounds can actively contribute and thrive. Dr. Chowdhury’s unique perspective and extensive knowledge will undoubtedly contribute to the club’s efforts to drive positive change and shape the future of football in the United Kingdom.

Furthermore, this appointment sends a powerful message to other football clubs, encouraging them to follow suit and prioritize diversity and inclusivity within their own organizations. By embracing a more diverse range of perspectives and talents, football clubs can tap into a wealth of potential and create a more vibrant and representative industry.

As Dr. Mehzeb Chowdhury assumes his role in the Independent Advisory Group, his contributions will extend beyond the club’s immediate needs. His insights and initiatives are likely to have a ripple effect, inspiring other institutions and individuals to reflect on the importance of diversity and inclusion, not only in football but also in other professional domains.


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